Spiritual Growth

You can experience the kingdom in the now

It is not that there has been a distance between us, for I have been present many times for services here. It is the blessings of the Father that net me an opportunity to share. Look in your hearts and see what it is that you truly desire. Beyond the trappings of...

It is never to late for a soul to change

The souls of man go through many changes in the courses of their lifetime. I share this for you to understand that it is never to late for a soul to change on their outlook. Too many times, people give up saying that it is too late for them, that they are too old to...

… ask for our help, it will be given to you

We each have a responsibility to come to know our Father and take responsibility for our souls' relationship to God. There is no one who is entirely separated from his soul, though there are those, who upon finding this added gift of the soul, are at a loss in what to...

Spiritual Growth in the Light and Love…

I am here Mary: In order for you to come to know your God, consider how you approach the opportunities given to you which the Father rains on each and everyone of you. We are attracted to soulful aspirations put forth to the Father. We come and join with you in...

Focus more on your spiritual nurturance

May the Father's Love be with you each, I am your friend and brother, Jesus. It is so important, the emphasis you place, on your spiritual nurturance. Yes, your spiritual nurturance, your soul's need for communing with the Father and taking on the Love. You know this....

Barabbas of the Bible tells of his experiences, his progression, his questioning (‘What more is there?’) and learning about God’s Divine Love. “This [Divine Love] is the most important bounty there is.”

I am here, Barabbas. You know me from the story told of Jesus on Calvary. Yes, I was the one who was spared. Though I was not a religious person, I did learn of the Love of the Father through Jesus. I am one of his followers and a dweller in the kingdom. I want to...