I am here, Jesus. Yes, you are receiving a healing. Your connection on this plane of existence is anchored in a way that your progression, in terms of receiving more of the Love, is being reinforced and accelerated. Yet, you will experience these things conscious of your mortal existence, but with a greater integration of your soul’s longings and aspirations for the Love being made manifest here, on the earth.

I share this with you as you come into a realization of the Love at work and being manifested in your lives. There are many gifted ones around you, not just those coming, but those who are in this family.

We have shared this with you before.

Those things that you have wanted to talk about, but you have not, trust enough to share. Trust enough to see that as this family goes forward in the Love, they will have a deeper understanding of each other and their communications with each other being made manifest, as well as a more open dialogue.

You have progressed on a soul level far more than you have realized.

In addition, I need to share with you this. There is coming into your midsts such a Transforming Grace that you will wonder why there was any sense of hesitation.

You are each being endowed with a greater infusion of the Divine Love being made manifest in your lives. Those things that you couldn’t let go of or live without, you will find that you have a greater expansion in the Love to allow you to release and open up. This releasing and letting go, you will receive more than a hundred-fold.

You are also seeing that in trusting and asking for mercy, more things are more readily available to you.

Your Father loves you each and provides for you. Now is the time for you to return some of that Love and freely giving It to others, showing how generous your heart really is.

You need to know that in the Law of Change, not only will things change, they will be transformed and transmuted to a higher degree of light and emanation. There is no room for fear here. There is, however, much room for growth, support, understanding, camaraderie and a pooling of talents such as you have not seen before on a scale with wider scope and impact than you have thought imaginable.

When we have shared with you that the kingdom is at hand, we meant exactly that, at hand.

Pray and receive the blessings of the Father. Give thanks to the Father. Know how much we care and support you.

More talents will be brought to the forefront. They will be implemented and used for the good of all. Share this knowledge and wisdom. Pray to know the Truth.

I am your friend and brother, Jesus the Christ, Master of the Celestial Heavens.