The Father’s Love be bestowed upon you each. I am your brother and friend, Jesus. Yes, there are many of us here each wishing to share. However, it was decided I would share at this time. You have an endeavor to speak of the Love to many. In choosing the words, sometimes, I wish you to understand that if you are centered in the Love, you will have no reason to doubt or hesitate. You will be open to our influences and we will assist you with finding the words and creating an atmosphere conducive for others to listen.
Do you know how the souls of men have longed to hear what you have been privileged to hear and listen and participate in? What we are sharing with you is, ask for mercy and see your worthiness. You will not hesitate to bridge a gap against the darkness of ignorance. You will build a bridge that will allow a hand that has been held out and empty for so long to finally feel the warmth of a welcoming grasp, of a caring heart, of the soothing words of comfort, acceptance and merciful fulfillment, and the truth that their hearts and souls have yearned for, for so long.
This Truth, this Gift of the Love is the Soothing Balm that will calm the pain, suffering and loneliness of many. God’s Love is here for all. So many people think that first, they have to be perfect. First, they have to do this or that. Yet, the Father sees beyond the acts.
He sees into your soul and the heart. He knows, accepts, and loves us, despite the posturing.
If you understand anything, understand this. Acceptance is the measurement of a soul’s capacity to receive not what you can give, but what you can receive. In receiving, you have to trust. Humble yourself enough to trust in the giving of this Great Gift. The receiving is tremendous.
Do you know what an honor it is; the Father gives us each in the giving and receiving? The Father who loves us beyond measure loves each and every one of us. The Father, who has heard your cries in the night, loves you, accepts you, and wishes to soothe you.
Our Father, our Beloved Father, waits and continues to wait for us to finally find the courage to step down from our pedestals of false pride and open up to Him. Our Creator sees it all and still loves us.
Who do you know can say that? Oh, you say the mother’s love. Yes, the mother’s love is very blessed. Yet, there is even a pause, at times, on the capacity of the mother. Nevertheless, the Father, whose depth of love for us is without bounds, supersedes this and more. You who say that you can no longer wait, you who say that you want to be an instrument of the Love, you who say if not now then when? I say to you go forth and share the Love. Go forth and exemplify this Love. Go forth and fully open up to opportunity the Love does bring to you.
You who know of the kingdom, you who have been through the doorway, you whose souls have exalted in the Love, care enough to share. Care enough to give. Care enough to not stand mute. Share what you know. Your words don’t have to be eloquent. Let the Love do the work. We will assist you in the rest. Be our honored companions and coworkers in this Great Gift of the Salvation of Man.
We, who have worked in the kingdom, who come to countless souls, have been with you, have taken the time to know of you. We have seen you at your best. We have seen you at your worst. We, who accept you and are your brothers and sisters in this endeavor, say to you, “Work with the tools we have been given you”. “Trust that the Father’s Will, will prevail. His Love knows no measure. His Will shall prevail.
Give humble thanks and gratitude for this opportunity and the many opportunities to follow. You will see the seeds have been planted. The harvest is ripe. Go forth and share this Love. You can do no higher thing than this.
We love you, support you and will cheer you on. Give thanks to the Father for the many blessings He bestows upon you, including the gift of receiving this Love. Now, turn around and share it with another.
I love you, support you and will pray with you. I am your friend and brother in the Christ Spirit which you say you wish to embody in this lifetime. Well, go ahead and do so.
With my love and blessings, I am your friend and brother in the Divine Love of the Father, Jesus the Christ, Master of the Celestial Heavens.