I am here, Joseph, the father of Jesus.

I wish for you to have a better understanding of what the Love of the Father means to us. If you wish to pursue this more (and I think you really do), then I ask you to go to the Father more directly. Yes, I know that there are times when you call upon the angels to assist you. Go to the Father to ask to be filled with His Wisdom and Knowledge in your parenting skills, as well as becoming more confident in who you are as an individual. Understand that He has work for you to do. We wish for more to be done.

It has been so uplifting to see the progress made here. (I mean this on a spiritual level because I see that there is a turn-around here, in your soul, each of your souls.) I see the growth that is happening. You feel the expansion. Yes, it is good to be tempered during those times that we feel that we can be flippant.

Yes, isn’t it amazing how our children keep us in check, most especially during those times when we think that we know it all and we really don’t! So, it is a blessing. Do not underestimate the power of the talent that you have in this family.

I will come again and talk to you of specifics, in terms of what we wish for you to do. For now, I say remember those times that you were praying to be in the Love and most especially during those times when you feel that you may be “losing it”. Ask for mercy and ask for your spirit band to influence you.

We will talk again, my sister. I am your friend and brother, Joseph.