I wish to say thank you for sharing your love. I am your sister, Mary, the mother of Jesus. Too often we get into a trance-like state of not being aware of others around us, being preoccupied with our own thoughts and actions of how our life is to be yet, unaware of our impact on others.

I am asking you to be more aware of how you lead your lives. I am asking you to go more often to the Father and put your trust in Him. I am asking you to look beyond the boundaries of the familiar and trust when you venture into unexplored territory. Do not be so contrite if you meet an obstacle. Allow yourself the space to ask for help and assistance. The Law of Mercy will be invoked and you will come away with a higher degree of consciousness and a different perspective that may allow you a solution that you hadn’t even dreamed of.

I share this because you are embarking upon new territory. I share this because yes, you will find yourself in situations that seem familiar and yet are unique. I am asking you to put your soul in ascendancy for this will be the guide, not your mind or the ghosts of the past. Yes, there are things to be learned from history. This is not to say necessarily, that they will be repeated. I am sharing with you to be more aware, to touch more gently and to tread lightly. Be in the love and experience the joy the Father has for you. Give your love freely and generously and you will not be disappointed in the results.

With my love, I leave you. Give your love to the Father and know no measure of return. Open up to receive and you will grow beyond all concept of what you thought it would be like to be in this moment. The Kingdom of the Father is at hand. Be willing to open your eyes to see. Do not be so unaware that you miss what is before you.

With my love and blessings, I am your sister, Mary, an awakened soul in the Love, who appreciates more and more each and every moment. Amen