by Jesus | CRS | Feb 20, 2000 | Healing Messages
I am here, your brother, Jesus. How peaceful the rest is here, encompassed by the Love, the Divine Love of your Father. In this state, your soul is at rest. You know a peace that nothing can compare to. Cosseted in the Love, you have no other desires or thoughts other...
by Jesus | CRS | Feb 5, 2000 | Healing Messages
I am here, your brother, Jesus. You don’t have to feel shy to open up to the Grace of the Father. The Father, patiently, watches and waits. He is so delighted when you remember and respond by asking Him for the Love. Oh, the Love of the Father, how much you...
by Jesus | CRS | Jan 2, 2000 | Encouragement
I am here, Jesus. I ask for you to be open to the Light and Peace the Father’s Love brings into your lives. We know that there are times when, in despair, you forget your soul’s potential for the Love and turn away from the Light. Yet, in those moments, if...
by Jesus | CRS | Dec 12, 1999 | Encouragement
There will be times when your souls so long for At-Onement with the Father that you will not be aware of any break in that rapport with the Father. I know this is hard to imagine because at this time, there are more times when you feel a break. Yet, as the Love builds...
by Jesus | CRS | Dec 5, 1999 | WORTHINESS
You seem to have a turning away from accepting the true meaning of worthiness. If you are not worthy, than how can you truly believe that the Father’s Love is here for all? You have to begin by knowing that the Father in His Great Love and Goodness can see...