I am here, your brother, Jesus. I have asked you to join hands that you hear this message and the importance of it. You need to understand your souls have been driven by us on a soul level to assist in a great work. You have been brought together for this. This purpose remains.

You each have individual needs to help you in your soul’s progression. Yes, the time had been made known to you that that change was going to involve more than just the complexities of this family unit. More are coming into the picture as you are well aware of.

You are also aware of an alignment of souls potential being brought about. This is allowed for the shift to happen. By shift, I mean that alignment of your soul qualities to bring forth those talents that will have your soul in such high ascendancy that we will be able to work more closely with you. This does not mean that this is to be a division of the unit of working on a soul level. We still have much work to do.

The Father is impressing you each with a healing, a most necessary healing to heal your hearts, for you to get your minds out of the way and see the bigger picture of the Love manifesting. This is not the time for misunderstandings. This is the time for a stronger faith and commitment in the Truth that the Father is bringing forth.

There is an alignment of souls that will be praying with you. Souls, not just here on the earth plane in mortal frames, but the higher Celestial Spheres will be influencing this work. You are to form a congregation of souls here manifesting the Truth, sharing the Love and building. This is not a tearing down of the foundation, but a building.

You must create the space and accommodate each other in such a way that the highest good prevails. What the highest good prevails means is that your souls, in this alignment of Love, will be coming together to pray and to get Divine Inspiration from us on the framework of this healing center, this seminary and all of the other businesses that will come forth to help support this.

You need to work together as a team. As a team we, who are in the Celestial Heavens have learned to share in those talents and complement each other in such a way that our egos have nothing to do with it.

The Father’s Will is at work here. As you have noticed, I am not the only one who works with you. Joseph, Mary, Melchizedek, White Eagle, who has been in the background for sometime, but is still bringing forth his healing energy; G.S., B.A., D., M.N., E.M., this is no mere coincidence. I have not named everyone. This is to share with you, though, that you need to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Where is your faith that you think that we would bring you this far and let you go astray. Recommit to the Father’s Love. This is not the time for differences that detract from what we are here to bring about.

You need to set aside the time, making this a priority that you are open to bring together in manifesting this Love and getting our impressions because many will be coming to you in this week and those to follow.

Complement each other in what needs to be done and share that Love.

This is not a pulling apart. It is a bringing together. Trust in what I have shared with you. Know that the Father has provided for your needs, as you well know. Let go of the fear and trust. Do not be afraid to discuss this with others, including those whom you are bringing into your lives. They need to see the integral part they play in this.

Your souls will be in ascendancy. This is no place for the finite mind. Trust in the Love and know that we will share again. I also ask you to pray again tonight. We will be here regardless of the time that you set this up. We will hear the call of the Love and will come.

Do not complicate this with those emotions that bring you to a lower plane in your soul’s progression. Give your love. By giving your love, we do not mean you hoard it, but you give it freely. This is not the time to put up walls. This is the time to mend misunderstandings and share more greatly in the Love.

Let go of your labeling. Let go of all that keeps you from fully feeling the healing of the Love that is here. I am your liaison. As such, with my Father’s Work and much to be done, we will not allow a breakdown to happen at this critical time. Therefore, we ask you, not your will, but that of the Father, to trust enough, we ask that your will be in accord with His and His be in ascendancy. You will let go of the pain and suffering that you felt over these past weeks because we are a family. There are more members in this family than just this nuclear family.

Trust in what I have shared with you. Share what I have shared with you. Stand strong in the Love and there will be nothing to fear, as all of your needs are being provided for.

With my love and blessings, I am your friend and brother, Jesus the Christ, Master of the Celestial Heavens. Allow the Christ Spirit in your souls to be made manifest and prevail.